Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bored of Education

So it's the final few weeks of the semester, and I find myself procrastinating more and more. Often by getting on Youtube and watching different videos. This week I was watching a lot of spoken word poetry and found this little gem about education. I think it's a great video that talks about a lot of the issues with education today! Check it out:)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Guided Learning

This week in class we had to teach a lesson we had created on our own. This was the first time I had ever created my own lesson plan and taught it. Overall, I think that I did fairly well. I used Popplet while I taught. This was very effective for me, because I was able to use it like an outline. While watching my other classmates teach I noticed they did several things that worked will. One was a quiz at the end. I had originally planned to do a quiz at the end on Kahoot!, but I couldn't successfully log in to my account, so I ended up just winging that portion of my lesson and just asking questions instead. That is one of things that I plan to change for Guided Learning 2.0. I would like to figure out what went wrong with my Kahoot! account as well. Technology worked into my lesson very well since I used Popplet to present my lesson.

While watching the video I had a total face palm sort of moment. One other thing I plan to improve on my next lesson is I apparently need to learn my left and right. I was so embarrassed to see that as I was teaching the different chambers of the heart I totally screwed up my left and right. I am not really sure how I messed that one up, but I'll be sure to get it right next time.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Common Core

So I found this pretty awesome video that I decided to show ya'll this week. The common core in this video and how it pertains to teaching might not be just what you all are expecting:)  Hope you enjoy it! I know I sure did.

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Final Stretch

We're finally here. The last month of classes before the summer. I am so excited. I have a lot going on though and that can be overwhelmingly. I have tests and final projects to finish up in these final weeks. As well as lots of other social things that I am stoked for. Tonight I get to go to see the Christian comedian Tim Hawkins. Then next weekend I am leaving to go the Olympic Wrestling Trials and I can not wait!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring Break

This week is the first week back from vacation. It's been crazy getting back into the schedule of doing homework and going to classes as well as work. It's amazing how just one week can ruin a person's schedule. Over break I went to my old high school to complete a technology survey for Teac 259. When I returned to my high school I had a great experience. I was a little skeptical returning to those halls. I haven't been back in that school in years. I got to meet with one of my favorite teachers, as well as the principal, and I also got to observe another teacher's class. Later on in the week I got an email from my old teacher that she had teaching materials she wanted to give me for my future classroom. It was awesome! I have a bag full of movies and lab books to use in the future. I also learned about a really cool program called the World Food Prize that  I encourage everyone to go research. It is a great opportunity for students, so hopefully that sparks your curiousity enough to research more!!

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Today in class we were shown three different types of technology. First we used littlebits. They were these interesting little electronic pieces you could hook together to make different things. They were described to us as Legos with a battery. Next, we used a leap motion which is a lot like an educational video game. It has a sensor that reads your hand motion instead of using an actual mouse.  Lastly, we looked at Makey Makeys,  which are wires that connect with your computer and any object you want to be a keyboard key. I think the one that I would most likely incorporate into the classroom is the Leap motion. It had a lot of cool science uses that I think would be a fun study tool for students, as well as a possible alternative to labs if budgeting and time doesn't allow. I would be weary of how to grade the students usage of the leap motion however. My group struggled with getting the leap motion to do what we wanted to it, so I think it would be something a used for extra credit, or study time and not core points in my grade book. I think I would maybe incorporate the other two technologies in my classroom in an optional way. I think they would be nice to have set up in stations for if students are done with their work, or even as extra credit optional projects as well. I think there are a lot of possibilities on how to connect these technologies into a biology classroom!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Old School Teaching

Being in college I am exposed to many different teaching styles. Each professor brings different styles into their lectures. Since I have become an education major I have found myself picking up on bad teaching techniques as well as good ones. Currently I am taking chemistry. The class has a very traditional lecture. My professor is very old school in every sense of the word. He uses PowerPoint, but writes most of his notes out on the white board for us to copy down. I have found that I actually learn so much  more form him when he does this. He'll write out problems and walk us through how to solve them, instead of just lecturing off the PowerPoint he has. I think this is a very effective way of teaching.  When I come to class I have to actually actively pay attention and copy down notes as opposed to just downloading his notes later from blackboard.  Even though this professor has a very traditional style of teaching he still incorporates technology. Each week we have assignments that are due online. We also get points from participating in clicker questions. I like the way he teaches and runs the class. It is a good teaching model. I think that when I have my own classroom I will probably be incorporating technology in similar ways while still keeping it old school and simple.