Friday, February 5, 2016

Mobile Blogging

In class this Thursday, we did an activity called mobile blogging. We were to update and blog about our trip to the one button studio in the library on campus. We were to do this in a google document. I found the assignment to be very challenging. One of the reasons is that I spent almost the entire time trying to get access to google docs. I got locked out of my google account and couldn't contribute to the document until I found a way to log in. Once I did that I was able to contribute a picture to the document. We arrived at the library to learn how to use the one button studio. In the studio we spent a lot of time waiting for Brad to get the system to work. Once he got it working it was a really neat idea. I liked how simple it was as well as how convenient it was to make a video. I am not sure that it is something I will be using this semester to make my video journals, but it is nice to know it's there if I need to.  When we had finished the entire mobile blogging activity our group had added pictures and just short sentences about the experience to our google doc. Check it out:

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